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CNN Scraper

CNN Scraper API lets you extract news and breaking news from
24 Jan, 2024
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The CNN Scraper is an advanced tool designed to extract and organize news content from the Cable News Network (CNN) website. This powerful scraper offers an efficient method to collect up-to-the-minute news articles, headlines, and associated information, providing valuable insights for various industries and applications.

What Does the CNN Scraper Do?

  • Extracts news articles from specified CNN URLs
  • Discovers news articles based on keywords or search terms
  • Organizes data in a structured, easy-to-use format
  • Provides frequent updates to maintain current information

Data Provided by the CNN Scraper

Data Point Description Example
Article ID Unique identifier for the article
URL Web address of the article
Author Writer or contributor of the article Sam***ha ***phy*********
Headline Title of the news article Teachers are using AI to grade essays. But some experts are raising ethical concerns
Topics Categories or subjects covered business, tech
Publication Date When the article was first published 2024-04-06T18:00:26.456Z
Last Updated When the article was last modified 2024-04-06T18:00:26.456Z
Content Full text of the news article [Full article text]
Images Associated images with descriptions and URLs [Image data]
Related Articles Links to related news stories [If available]
Keyword Main topic or focus of the article AI Model Governance

Advantages of Using the CNN Scraper

  1. Efficiency: Automates the process of gathering news data, reducing manual effort
  2. Precision: Reduces human error in data collection
  3. Adaptability: Capable of managing large volumes of data
  4. Flexibility: Allows for targeted data collection based on specific keywords or topics
  5. Current Information: Provides access to the latest news and updates

Industries That Can Benefit from the CNN Scraper

The CNN Scraper is a valuable asset for various sectors, including:

  • News Aggregation and Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Financial Services
  • Public Relations and Communications
  • Academic Research
  • Government and Policy Making
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Journalism and Media Studies

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$ 38 / Mon
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Frequesntly Asked Questions


The CNN Scraper retrieves data in real-time. When you make a request, it fetches the most recent information available on the CNN website, including the latest updates to articles.
At present, the CNN Scraper is optimized for extracting data from CNN's text-based news articles. It does not directly access or scrape content from CNN's video platform. However, if video content is embedded within a news article, the scraper may provide relevant metadata or links.
The CNN Scraper primarily focuses on current and recent news articles. While it can access content published within the past few months, it may not provide extensive historical data. For older articles, you might need to use specific URLs or consult CNN's archives directly.
Yes, the CNN Scraper is capable of extracting content from CNN's international editions. This includes various regional versions of CNN, allowing you to gather news in multiple languages and from different global perspectives, depending on your specific requirements.
Usage limits may vary based on your specific plan. We recommend reviewing your account details or reaching out to our support team for information about your usage allowance. We aim to provide flexible options to meet various needs while respecting CNN's servers and maintaining optimal performance for all users.