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Zillow Scraper

Zillow Scraper API lets you extract rental or for sale property information from Zillow including price, price history, address, features and much more.
24 Jan, 2024
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The Zillow Scraper is a sophisticated tool designed to extract and organize real estate information from Zillow, one of the leading property websites in the United States. This powerful scraper offers an efficient method to collect detailed property listings, price histories, and associated information, providing valuable insights for various industries and applications.

What Does the Zillow Scraper Do?

  • Extracts property listings from specified Zillow URLs
  • Gathers comprehensive metadata about each property
  • Organizes data in a structured, easy-to-use format
  • Provides frequent updates to maintain current information
  • Offers access to price history and nearby property data

Data Provided by the Zillow Scraper

Data Point Description Example
Property ID (zpid) Unique identifier for the property 61902313
Address Full address of the property 7613 Bluff Point Ln, Denver, NC 28037
Price Current or last known price $240,500
Bedrooms & Bathrooms Number of bedrooms and bathrooms 3 bed, 3 bath
Living Area Size of the living space 1,787 sqft
Year Built Year the property was constructed 2002
Zestimate Zillow's estimated market value $297,500
Price History Record of price changes and sales [Detailed history available]
Nearby Schools Information on local educational institutions [List of schools with ratings]

Advantages of Using the Zillow Scraper

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Access to a vast database of U.S. real estate listings
  2. Time-Efficient: Automates the process of gathering property data
  3. Detailed Metadata: Provides rich information about each property
  4. Up-to-Date Information: Offers access to the latest listings and price changes
  5. Market Analysis: Enables in-depth analysis of real estate trends and valuations
  6. Comparative Data: Includes information on nearby properties for better context

Industries That Can Benefit from the Zillow Scraper

The Zillow Scraper is a valuable asset for various sectors, including:

  • Real Estate Agencies and Brokers
  • Property Investors and Developers
  • Market Research Firms
  • Financial Institutions and Mortgage Lenders
  • Urban Planning and Development Organizations
  • Academic Researchers in Economics and Urban Studies
  • Data Analytics Companies
  • Home Improvement and Services Businesses

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Frequesntly Asked Questions


The Zillow Scraper retrieves data in real-time. When you make a request, it fetches the most recent information available on Zillow, including the latest property listings, price changes, and updates.
Yes, the Zillow Scraper provides access to historical data, including price history and past sale information. This feature allows users to track property value changes over time and analyze market trends.
Indeed, the Zillow Scraper covers both sale and rental listings. Users can access detailed information on rental properties, including monthly rent, lease terms, and property management details where available.
Absolutely. The Zillow Scraper allows users to focus on specific geographic areas, from broad regions down to individual neighborhoods. This feature enables targeted data collection for localized market analysis and research.
The Zillow Scraper pulls data directly from Zillow's platform, ensuring the most up-to-date information available. However, users should note that the accuracy of the underlying data depends on Zillow's own updates and the information provided by property owners and real estate professionals.