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Data Scraping eCommerce

G2 Scraper

Scrape product & company reviews and extract top companies by keyword.
24 Jan, 2024
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What is G2 Scraper?

G2 Scraper is a powerful tool designed to extract valuable data from, the leading platform for business software reviews. This scraper allows you to gather comprehensive information about software products, user reviews, and market trends, providing you with actionable insights for your business decisions.

What Does G2 Scraper Do?

  • Extracts detailed product information from
  • Collects user reviews and ratings
  • Gathers data on product features and comparisons
  • Compiles market trends and category rankings
  • Provides insights into user demographics and company sizes

Data Provided by G2 Scraper

Data Point Description
Review ID Unique identifier for each review
Author Information Reviewer's name, position, and company size
Rating Star rating given by the reviewer
Review Content Title, text, and specific question responses
Product Details Name, URL, and vendor information
Metadata Review date, tags, and verification status

Benefits of Using G2 Scraper

  1. Competitive Analysis: Gain insights into competitor products and their user feedback.
  2. Market Research: Understand market trends and user preferences in various software categories.
  3. Product Development: Identify features users value most and areas for improvement.
  4. Lead Generation: Find potential customers based on their software needs and company profiles.
  5. Content Creation: Generate data-driven content for marketing and thought leadership.

Industries That Can Benefit from G2 Scraper

  • Software Development Companies
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Market Research Firms
  • Venture Capital and Investment Companies
  • Business Consultancies
  • Product Management Teams
  • Sales and Lead Generation Companies

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