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Data Scraping eCommerce

Owler Scraper

Scrape company information from Owler including revenue, employees, industry, competitors, website, phone number, email and much more!
24 Jan, 2024
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Harness the Power of Owler Data

Our Owler Scraper is a state-of-the-art tool designed to extract and analyze valuable information from Owler, a leading platform for company insights and competitive intelligence. This powerful scraper provides you with a wealth of data, enabling you to make informed decisions about competitors, market trends, and business strategies.

Key Features and Capabilities

  • Comprehensive company profiles
  • Detailed revenue and employee information
  • Leadership insights and CEO ratings
  • Competitor analysis
  • Industry sector classifications
  • Funding and acquisition data
  • News and trending topics

Data You Can Access

Category Information Provided
Company Profile Name, description, industry, size, revenue, headquarters
Financial Data Revenue, funding rounds, total funding, acquisitions
Leadership CEO details, ratings, and other key executives
Competitive Landscape Top competitors, market position, industry trends
News and Updates Recent company news, press releases, trending topics

Benefits of Using Our Owler Scraper

  1. Competitive Intelligence: Gain deep insights into competitors' strategies and market positions.
  2. Market Research: Analyze industry trends and identify emerging players in your sector.
  3. Investment Decisions: Make informed choices based on comprehensive company data and financial metrics.
  4. Lead Generation: Identify potential clients or partners based on industry, size, and location.
  5. Strategic Planning: Develop data-driven strategies by understanding market dynamics and competitor moves.

Industries That Benefit from Owler Scraper

Our tool is invaluable for a wide range of sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Venture Capital and Private Equity
  • Management Consulting
  • Market Research and Business Intelligence
  • Sales and Business Development
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Technology and Software

Available on RapidAPI

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You need to scrape a website or get data from a web page? We can help you with that. Just request a custom scraper and we will get back to you with the best offer.
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Optimal for smaller developers & businesses.
$ 38 / Mon
2000 Requests / month
50 Requests per minute
API Access
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Optimal for growing enterprises
$ 280 / Mon
15000 Requests / month
5 Requests per second
API Access
Free support
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Frequesntly Asked Questions


API Endpoints

The Amazon Scraper API provides endpoints for extracting various types of data from Amazon. The API is designed to be simple and easy to use, with clear documentation and examples to help you get started. For full documentation, code examples and test environment, check our API documentation. For full documentation, code examples and test environment, check our API documentation

1. Amazon Reviews - Collect by URL


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/reviews


This endpoint collects reviews for a specific Amazon product URL. Users can specify the number of days to look back and optionally filter by a keyword.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "url": "",
    "days_range": 30,
    "keyword": "quality"


200 OK

  "data": [
      "review_text": "Great quality product...",
      "rating": 5,
      "date": "2023-09-01",
      "verified_purchase": true
    // More review objects...

2. Amazon Products - Collect by URL


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/products


This endpoint collects detailed information about specific Amazon products by their URLs.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "url": ""


200 OK

  "data": [
      "title": "Product Name",
      "price": 29.99,
      "rating": 4.5,
      "number_of_reviews": 1000,
      "features": [
        "Feature 1",
        "Feature 2"

3. Amazon Products - Discover by Keyword


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/products-by-keyword


This endpoint discovers Amazon products based on a provided keyword.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "keyword": "wireless headphones"


200 OK

  "data": [
      "title": "Wireless Headphones Model X",
      "url": "",
      "price": 59.99,
      "rating": 4.2
    // More product objects...

4. Amazon Global Products - Collect by URL


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/global-products


This endpoint collects detailed information about Amazon products from the global dataset by their URLs.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "url": ""


200 OK

  "data": [
      "title": "Global Product Name",
      "price": 39.99,
      "rating": 4.7,
      "number_of_reviews": 2000,
      "features": [
        "Global Feature 1",
        "Global Feature 2"
      "country": "US"

5. Amazon Global Products - Discover by Keywords


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/global-products-by-keywords


This endpoint discovers Amazon products from the global dataset using keywords and specific Amazon domains.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "keywords": "smartphone",
    "domain": ""


200 OK

  "data": [
      "title": "Smartphone Model Y",
      "url": "",
      "price": 299.99,
      "rating": 4.5,
      "country": "UK"
    // More product objects...

6. Amazon Products Search


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/products-search


This endpoint performs a search for Amazon products across different domains using specified keywords.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "keyword": "gaming laptop",
    "url": ""


200 OK

  "data": [
      "title": "High-Performance Gaming Laptop",
      "url": "",
      "price": 1299.99,
      "rating": 4.6,
      "number_of_reviews": 500
    // More product objects...

7. Amazon Sellers Info


POST /api/ecommerce/amazon-scraper/sellers-info


This endpoint retrieves detailed information about Amazon sellers based on their seller page URLs.

Request Headers:

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Request Body:

    "url": ""


200 OK

  "data": [
      "seller_name": "TechGadgets Inc.",
      "seller_rating": 4.8,
      "total_ratings": 10000,
      "products_offered": 500,
      "joined_date": "2015-03-15",
      "business_address": "123 Tech St, Silicon Valley, CA 94000"


All API requests must include an Authorization header with a valid Bearer token. You can generate an API token by logging into your account and navigating to the API token management section.


Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Error Handling

The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Here are the common status codes and their meanings:

  • 200 OK: The request was successful.
  • 201 Created: The resource was successfully created.
  • 400 Bad Request: There was an error with the request, such as validation errors.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The request did not include a valid API token.
  • 403 Forbidden: The user does not have permission to access the resource.
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource could not be found.
  • 429 Too Many Requests: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: There was an error on the server.

Rate Limiting

To ensure fair usage and maintain service quality, API requests are subject to rate limiting. The current limit is 50 requests per minute per API token. If you exceed this limit, you'll receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.