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Data Scraping eCommerce

Vimeo Scraper

Scrape videos, comments and more from
24 Jan, 2024
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The Vimeo Scraper is a sophisticated tool designed to extract and analyze content from one of the leading platforms for high-quality, professional video content. This powerful scraper offers an efficient method to collect video data, user information, and engagement metrics, providing valuable insights for various industries and applications.

What Does the Vimeo Scraper Do?

  • Extracts detailed video information from specified Vimeo URLs
  • Gathers comprehensive data about video creators and their content
  • Organizes engagement metrics and associated metadata in a structured format
  • Provides information on video quality, dimensions, and technical specifications
  • Offers access to licensing information and related content

Data Provided by the Vimeo Scraper

Data Point Description Example
Video Information Core details about the video ID, title, URL, length
Creator Data Information about the uploader Name, URL, avatar image
Engagement Metrics Interaction statistics Views, likes, comments, collections
Technical Specs Video quality information Resolution, dimensions, quality label
Licensing Copyright and usage rights License type, terms URL
Related Content Similar or associated videos List of related video URLs
Visual Assets Images associated with video Preview image URL

Advantages of Using the Vimeo Scraper

  1. Content Discovery: Uncover high-quality video content in various niches
  2. Creator Insights: Analyze top performers and their strategies
  3. Engagement Analysis: Understand what drives viewer interaction
  4. Technical Benchmarking: Compare video quality and specifications
  5. Licensing Awareness: Stay informed about content usage rights
  6. Trend Identification: Spot emerging themes and popular topics

Industries That Can Benefit from the Vimeo Scraper

The Vimeo Scraper is a valuable asset for various sectors, including:

  • Film and Video Production Companies
  • Digital Marketing and Content Creation Agencies
  • E-learning and Educational Technology Providers
  • Brand Management and Corporate Communications
  • Advertising and Media Buying Firms
  • Market Research and Trend Analysis Organizations
  • Creative Professionals and Freelancers
  • Tech Startups and Software Developers
  • Academic Researchers in Media Studies
  • Non-profit Organizations and Cultural Institutions

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$ 38 / Mon
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$ 280 / Mon
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Frequesntly Asked Questions


The Vimeo Scraper retrieves data in real-time. When you make a request, it fetches the most recent information available on Vimeo, including the latest video stats, comments, and creator updates. This ensures you're always working with the most up-to-date data for your analysis and research.
No, the Vimeo Scraper is designed to collect only publicly available information. It cannot access private videos, password-protected content, or any material that requires special permissions to view. The scraper respects user privacy and Vimeo's terms of service, focusing solely on data that is openly shared on the platform.
The Vimeo Scraper provides detailed metadata about video content, including duration, quality, and engagement metrics. It offers URLs to access the video content through Vimeo's player. However, it doesn't download or store video files directly. This approach allows users to analyze video performance and characteristics without managing large media files, making the data processing more efficient and respectful of Vimeo's content policies.
Absolutely! The Vimeo Scraper is an excellent tool for competitive analysis in the film and video production industry. You can use it to gather insights on competitor channels, analyze top-performing content, track engagement rates for different video types, and identify trends in video quality and duration. This information can help you benchmark your performance, refine your content strategy, and discover new opportunities for creating compelling video content that resonates with your audience.
Our team actively monitors Vimeo's platform updates and API changes to ensure the Vimeo Scraper remains fully operational and compliant. We promptly release updates to adapt to new features, data structures, or policy changes. Users benefit from automatic updates, ensuring uninterrupted access to the latest Vimeo data and metrics. We maintain open communication channels with our users to quickly address any issues or incorporate new feature requests that align with Vimeo's evolving ecosystem, ensuring our tool remains at the forefront of video content analysis.