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Data Scraping eCommerce

X Twitter Scraper

Scrape tweets, replies, profiles, favorites and much more data from X (Twitter)
24 Jan, 2024
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Our X (Twitter) Scraper is a cutting-edge tool designed to extract valuable data from the popular social media platform. It offers businesses, researchers, and marketers a window into the public conversations shaping our world.

What It Does

The X Scraper efficiently collects and organizes public data from X, including:

  • User profiles
  • Posts (tweets)
  • Engagement metrics (likes, reposts, replies, views)
  • Hashtags
  • Media content (photos and videos)
  • Conversation threads

Key Features

Comprehensive Data Collection

Gather extensive information from user profiles, including biographies, follower counts, and verified status.

Real-time Insights

Access up-to-the-minute data on trending topics, hashtags, and user engagement.

Historical Data Access

Retrieve past posts and conversations to analyze long-term trends and user behavior.

Customizable Queries

Tailor your data collection to focus on specific users, keywords, or date ranges.


  • Gain deep insights into customer sentiment and behavior
  • Track brand mentions and reputation in real-time
  • Identify influencers and potential partners in your industry
  • Monitor competitors and stay ahead of market trends
  • Enhance your content strategy with data-driven decisions
  • Conduct academic research on social media patterns and public opinion

Industries That Can Benefit

Industry Use Cases
Marketing & PR Campaign analysis, brand monitoring, influencer identification
Finance Market sentiment analysis, stock trend prediction
Politics Public opinion tracking, election trend analysis
Journalism Story research, source identification, breaking news detection
Academia Social behavior studies, linguistic analysis, trend research

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Optimal for smaller developers & businesses.
$ 38 / Mon
2000 Requests / month
50 Requests per minute
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Optimal for growing enterprises
$ 280 / Mon
15000 Requests / month
5 Requests per second
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Frequesntly Asked Questions


Our X Scraper is designed to collect publicly available data in accordance with X's developer guidelines. We respect rate limits and user privacy settings to maintain compliance.
Our X Scraper provides near real-time data updates. The exact frequency depends on the specific query and data volume, but most information is refreshed within minutes of being posted on X.
No, our X Scraper only collects publicly available data. We respect user privacy settings and do not access or provide information from private accounts.
Our X Scraper offers flexible data export options. You can receive data in JSON, CSV, or Excel formats, making it easy to integrate with your existing tools and workflows.
Our X Scraper can retrieve data going back to the inception of X (formerly Twitter). However, the availability of older posts may be limited by X's own data retention policies and the public accessibility of the content.