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Data Scraping eCommerce

YouTube Scraper

Scrape videos, comments and shorts from YouTube.
24 Jan, 2024
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Our YouTube Scraper is a powerful tool designed to extract valuable data from the world's largest video-sharing platform. It provides businesses, content creators, and researchers with comprehensive insights into YouTube's vast ecosystem.

Key Features

Channel Analytics

Gather detailed information about YouTube channels, including subscriber counts, video uploads, and engagement metrics.

Video Data Extraction

Collect data on individual videos, such as view counts, likes, comments, and upload dates.

Comment Analysis

Extract and analyze user comments to gauge audience sentiment and engagement.

Data Provided

  • Channel statistics (subscribers, total views, video count)
  • Video details (title, description, tags, duration)
  • Engagement metrics (likes, dislikes, comments, shares)
  • User comments and replies
  • Channel and video metadata (creation date, country, category)
  • Trending video information


  1. Gain insights into content performance and audience engagement
  2. Identify trending topics and popular content creators in your niche
  3. Analyze competitor strategies and channel growth
  4. Discover potential collaboration opportunities with other creators
  5. Optimize your content strategy based on data-driven decisions

Industries That Can Benefit

Industry Use Cases
Digital Marketing Content strategy optimization, influencer identification, competitor analysis
Media & Entertainment Audience insights, content trend analysis, creator discovery
E-commerce Product review monitoring, brand sentiment analysis
Market Research Consumer behavior analysis, trend forecasting
Education Educational content analysis, student engagement research

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Optimal for smaller developers & businesses.
$ 38 / Mon
2000 Requests / month
50 Requests per minute
API Access
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Optimal for growing enterprises
$ 280 / Mon
15000 Requests / month
5 Requests per second
API Access
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Frequesntly Asked Questions


Our YouTube Scraper is designed to collect publicly available data in accordance with YouTube's API terms of service. We respect rate limits and user privacy settings to maintain compliance.
Our YouTube Scraper only collects data from publicly available videos. Private videos and age-restricted content are not accessible through our tool to respect user privacy and content restrictions.
Our YouTube Scraper provides near real-time data updates. The exact frequency depends on the specific query and data volume, but most information is refreshed within hours of being updated on YouTube.
Yes, our YouTube Scraper can extract video transcripts when available. This feature is particularly useful for content analysis, SEO optimization, and making videos more accessible.
Our YouTube Scraper offers flexible data export options. You can receive data in JSON, CSV, or Excel formats, making it easy to integrate with your existing tools and workflows.